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TO:                   Control Pak International Distributors


FROM:              Chris  Ptaszynski, Vice President of Production


DATE:               April 2, 2003


RE:                   Tech Note # 2003-16


Subject: Manage Pak™ Engineering Workstation for DOS Version 3.0N, Database conversion steps, etc.


New Mpak EW DOS 3.0N and New EM Solutions™ Firmware Version 8.1:

The current version of ManagePak™ Engineering Workstation host software (for DOS) is 3.0N (Mpak EW DOS 3.0N).  The current version of the EM Solutions™ Firmware is 8.1.  Both are necessary to perform the following functions:

  1. Communication with the EM Solutions™ units which run the 8.1 Firmware Version,
  2. Ability to Assemble Worksheets correctly for Downloading the Application Engineering (AE) into a controller running the 8.1 Firmware Version,
  3. To be able to convert existing Trend Log (TL) Database files to the new eighty (80) character header for Trend/Alarm Logs (TL/AL),
  4. To be able to create new TLs (or edit existing TLs) via the TL Worksheets in the new format and for Assemble of these previously existing TL Worksheets into the format compatible with the 8.1 Firmware Version, and    
  5. To correct the Download to LAN 2 issue.


Option to New Software:

Of course, one could run earlier versions of Mpak EW DOS with earlier Firmware or use only the ManagePak™ Engineering Workstation host software for Windows (Mpak EW Windows) for editing the AE of Controllers running the 8.1 Firmware Version as alternatives to using the Mpak EW DOS 3.0N without gaining the above features.


What it may mean to you:

These facts may impact you as follows:

  1. CPI has begun shipping the EM Solutions™ Series Controllers with the 8.1 Firmware Version,
  2. You have the option to use earlier Versions of Firmware but would need to let us know that in advance of final testing for shipping,
  3. Earlier versions of firmware will not gain the features which will appear in future firmware versions (so a decision to migrate to the Mpak EW DOS 3.0N is justified at this time),
  4. The Mpak EW DOS 3.0N is the only way to gain the features defined in the top listing above,
  5. The Mpak EW DOS 3.0N is the best way to gain a proper, Assembled AE Downloadable file for system commissioning or Controller RAM corruption correction through Cold Starts, assembly of the Object Worksheets and Download of AE to the Unit (see Tech Notes #14 & 15), and
  6. The Mpak EW DOS 3.0N becomes the replacement database management tool for previous Mpak EW DOS version developed databases and the optimal method to evolve same.


To Update Existing Databases to the new Software:

To achieve item 6 above, using Mpak EW DOS 3.0N, create a new Job Folder with sub directory, then copy the existing EMDATA file over the newly created Job Folder.  All worksheets (except TLs at this stage) will be available, can be edited, assembled, and downloaded successfully into the existing


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controller.  Thus far, the TL Worksheets would appear blank so one could either create new ones (the old

TL Database received will remain in the same memory location but the new TLs will appear in the new TL Database location) or convert the existing TL database as defined in the bottom section (in which case, the TL Worksheets would be populated with the existing TL parameters).


To Change to the correct new Unit Type:

One can edit the Unit Record to change the Unit Type to become the V2T (for Trend Log Enhancement) style Unit of the respective Unit Model (i.e. SolV2T96, etc.), then assemble the Object Work Sheets for Download into an EM Solutions™ Unit running the 8.1 Version Firmware.


To Update Existing Trend Log Databases to the new Mpak EW DOS 3.0N format and to download the Application Engineering into the Unit:

  1. In order to update the Trend Logs of an existing Job you must:

run the program “Tldbupdt.exe” and follow the instructions.  This will change the Trend Log

Database records to the new format and leave a copy of the previous Trend Log Database.  The

old Trend Log Worksheets are not visible or accessible in Mpak EW DOS Version 3.0N from previous versions UNLESS one runs the above utility program first.

  1. To update the Application Engineering Downloadable Files for any existing units to Mpak EW DOS Version 3.0 N from Version M or earlier, simply:

a.   In Support Services, Edit unit records, select the correct Unit,

b.       Select the appropriate Model Number type for the Controller, as one intends to Assemble and download the Application Engineering Worksheets to it, to be the “SoluV2Txxx” name.  The “T” stands for the Long Trend Log Header configuration, NOTE: The correct selection for V3 CPU Boards is presently the V2 model until further notice.

c.       Save the record

d.       Make enhancement entries in the Object Worksheets for Network Object Intervals and the up to eighty (80) character Trend Log Headers and save respective Worksheets

e.       Assemble the Application Engineering

  1. Change the Controller’s Firmware from existing to Version 8.1
  2. Thereafter, one can download the new AE File into the RAM of the Field Controller. NOTE: please see Technical Note #14 Titled: Presetting 32k-64k RAM Option for additional information pertaining to 64 K RAM Applications.


Tech Note # 2001-1   4-11-01 Rev List

Tech Note # 2001-2   4-11-01 UPS on SSS Models

Tech Note # 2001-3   4-11-01 Manage Pak Dos TC and ZN schedule loss

Tech Note # 2001-4   4-11-01 Modem Fix

Tech Note # 2001-5   4-11-01 Holiday Schedules

Tech Note # 2001-6   4-11-01 High Speed/Low Speed Modems

Tech Note # 2001-7   7-01-01 Computer Requirements

Tech Note # 2001-8   7-15-01 Connection Speeds

Tech Note # 2001-9   7-15-01 LAN Troubleshooting

Tech Note # 2001-10 12-1-01 Transformers for SSS Products

Tech Note # 2002-11 1-01-02  Shipping Procedures

Tech Note # 2002-12 1-01-02 SSS UU –12-16 A/O

Tech Note # 2002-13 5-01-02 Solutions as Server

Tech Note # 2002-14 6-01-02 Presetting 32k-64k Ram Option

Tech Note # 2002-15 6-01-02 Flash Update Procedure



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